Community and Land Use Planning

Leonard Charles and Associates has extensive experience preparing environmental assessments of general, specific, and area plans. General plans provide the framework to guide future land use within the jurisdiction of counties, cities, and towns. These agencies may also prepare specific or area plans to address specific areas that have particular issues, resources, or location within their jurisdiction. These plans tend to be "general" in nature and not site- or project-specific. Consistent with CEQA, Program EIRs are typically prepared for these plans.

LCA prepares baseline assessments for the use of the general plan consultant. We provide input to the planning team as the plan is being developed. Finally, we prepare the EIR for the draft plan. LCA has extensive experience with the general plan process, and can prepare the general plan in addition to the EIR if desired. This would be particularly applicable for smaller jurisdictions that need a solid baseline developed and a straightforward update of general plan goals and policies.

Through our long experience we are familiar with the issues and approaches that are used in preparing program EIRs. LCA also has a solid background in developing new plan policies and programs that may be needed to mitigate significant impacts.