Public Infrastructure

East Shore Wastewater Pollution Control Project (Marin County)

LCA prepared an EIR to address the impacts of developing a new wastewater collection and disposal system serving a portion of the east shore of Tomales Bay. The EIR addressed all impacts as well as concerns of the Coastal Commission. The EIR assessed potential growth-inducing impacts in an area where additional growth is a significant public concern. PDF report: Part 1 and Part 2.

Salmon Creek School — Harmony Union School District (Sonoma County)

LCA was hired to assist a Citizens Advisory Committee to identify, rank, and select a new school site for the Harmony School District in Occidental. The search for a new site was very controversial; LCA used 45 different criteria to rank 22 different sites. Upon selection of the best site, LCA prepared a full EIR on the proposed new 450-student school. After approval of the project, LCA was engaged to monitor project construction to ensure compliance with the mitigation-monitoring plan.

Sonoma County Jail

The new Sonoma County Jail, a Court-ordered project, was a controversial facility. The EIR focused on a review of bedspace projections for the facility, long-term impacts on land use at the County Administrative Center, future use of the existing jail, visual quality, and traffic. A detailed assessment of alternatives, including types of jails and locations, was presented.

Monte Rio Wastewater Pollution Control Program (Sonoma County)

LCA prepared an EIR on a new community wastewater system for the community of Monte Rio. Due to Federal funding, the project also required an Environmental Assessment under NEPA. The new facility includes a community collection system, a treatment plant, and a community leachfield for disposal. The project was very controversial because the proposed disposal site was a scenic meadow adjacent to the Russian River and some residents had concerns about growth-inducing impacts.

Butte County On-Site Wastewater Ordinance

LCA is currently preparing a Program EIR to address a proposed County ordinance that would, among other things, allow the use of new types of on-site disposal techniques. This could result in induced growth, since some sites with constrained soil or groundwater conditions would now be able to develop.

City of Ukiah Water Rights (Mendocino County)

LCA is under contract to prepare an EIR for amendments to the City's water right permit and license. In particular, the EIR will address impacts to the Russian River fishery and growth inducing impacts.

Gallagher Wells (Marin County)

LCA is currently completing a Mitigated Negative Declaration on developing a well site on Lagunitas Creek near Point Reyes Station. The project includes relocating the points of diversion that the North Marin Water District has on this creek, abandoning a downstream diversion well, and transferring some of the District's water rights on the creek to fish and wildlife use. The stream supports a large population of Coho salmon as well as steelhead, and the project is being scrutinized by state and federal agencies as well as environmental groups.

Ammo Hill Water Tank (Marin County)

LCA prepared an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for a 4.5 million gallon underground water tank on a site near Novato for the North Marin Water District. The site was sensitive due to the presence of wetlands, wildlife habitat, and visual resources. Preparation of the Initial Study included our facilitation of scoping meetings with environmental groups and public agencies. This is one of four Mitigated Negative Declarations prepared for water tanks for this client.

Mendocino County Regional Transportation Plan

LCA prepared a Program EIR for the 2001 Mendocino County Regional Transportation Plan. The EIR addressed the growth-inducing and cumulative impacts that could result from a range of projects including two major bypasses on Highway 101, numerous road improvements, new roads, airport improvements, mass transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects.